GraphiCon is the leading international conference on computer graphics and machine vision in Russia and CIS countries. In February 1991, Moscow hosted the 1st international conference on computer graphics and vision GraphiCon'91. It was organized by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Union of Architects of the USSR and some other organizations with the assistance and support of the American Association ACM SIGGRAPH and attracted more than 1500 participants. Despite all the economic difficulties of the 1990s, the GraphiCon conference was held annually, not missing a single year. Thereat, on the wave of euphoria from perestroika, a number of leading American specialists came to Moscow, where they essentially, as it is said now, gave master classes on what modern computer graphics are, why it is, how it works and what it can. They also gave a detailed know-how of preparation, organization and carrying out modern conferences on computer graphics to the Soviet organizers of the first GraphiCon.
Among the American speakers were famous professors of leading universities and supercomputer centers, such as D. Greenberg, D. Foley and M. Bailey, the leaders of world-size companies already included in the history of computer graphics, as the president of Pixar E. Catmull. Also reports were presented by D. Lassiter of "Pixar", who just received the first ever Oscar for computer animation, as well as by the legendary Jim Clark, the creator of the company "Silicon Graphics", which was the former trendsetter in the field of professional graphics stations for many years. The main organizers on the part of ACM SIGGRAPH were B. Aquino, D. Brown and E. Goodrich. Their enthusiasm and sincere desire to help Soviet specialists get out of isolation to the international level allowed them to get a considerable budget from the АСМ and make the 1st conference Graphicon possible in general.
Among organizers from the Soviet side, it is necessary to highlight two figures. S. Golovanov, who after visiting one of the grandiose annual conferences ACM SIGGRAPH came to the idea of organizing some kind of such conference in the then USSR and who spoke this idea with the Americans and the leadership of the Informatics Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The second person, whose contribution to the organization of conferences Graphicon can be called decisive, was Yury Matveyevich Bayakovsky. Yuri Matveevich was among those who were entrusted to organize a new international conference by RAS in the person of academician A.A. Samarskii. Yu.M. Bayakovsky became the driving force of many subsequent conferences exactly.
Since 1991, the annual Graphicon conferences have been held in different cities of Russia, works on a wide range of areas of computer graphics, visualization, image processing and computer vision were presented on them. Strengths of the conference are the commitment to a policy of strictly anonymous review of each submitted work by reviewers from different countries; an international program committee, which includes top-ranked scientists from Russia, Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries; presence of invited reports of top-ranked world scientists; publication of the conference proceedings; combination of the conference with the school of young scientists and specialists.